A Taylor themed 9th birthday party

There’s something about Taylor…she’s a total icon and so many little girls want to be just like her. GOOD FOR THEM. Taylor is a self made billionaire who rocks the world! I want to be like Taylor too.

This past weekend, we hosted a private birthday party for the sweetest 9 year old and her theme was…TAYLOR SWIFT! She invited all of her Swifties and my team took care of making sure that The Social Society was Taylor ready and that her guests were well taken care of.

We had set up a variety of activities for the girls to enjoy:
1. Make your own hip sack: Our client brought in Daphne of Kiernan Boutique. She set up hundreds of patches for the girls to choose from. They got to pick 5 each and then Daphne heat pressed them onto their bags that they later got to take home with them.
2. Bedazzled Heart Sunglasses: This was my fave! Each girl got a pair of heart shaped, plastic sunglasses. We set out tons of stick on gems and the girls got to decorate their sunglasses. They were SO CUTE.
3. Friendship bracelets: Every girl got a Super Smalls beading set to create a bracelet or necklace with. Super Smalls is a brand that we carry and our absolute favorite! Luxe, gorgeous beads and charms are included in the set.
4. Fairy Hair: We had local Nocatee resident Dara Lyn come in to do fairy hair for each of the girls. They LOVED it and couldn’t wait for their turns.
5. Paint a sugar cookie: The Mom I worked with on this party found this amazing local baker who makes sugar cookies that you can paint. These were Taylor themed and absolutely incredible. The vendor’s name is Sumatthana Pittman.

We allow our customers to bring in food for their parties. For this party, they had Bronx House Pizza and cake. The cake was made by Steph Marciani who I used for my Niece’s birthday cake. She made an “ERAs” themed Taylor Swift cake that was UNREAL. So cool and so delicious! Funfetti on the inside!

We worked with our client on the Taylor Theme for decor and tableware. With “TS” balloons in the token Taylor colors we styled the space to bring the theme to life. We also worked with her on all of the tableware to make sure the pizza and cake were served with stunning plates, forks and napkins. The Social Society has a package that you can add on to your party for beverages. We served pink lemonade and water bottles with custom designed labels. Our team handled all of the set up, activity management, serving the food, drinks and all of the clean up making this party super relaxing and easy for our customer, her friends and family.

After the party, our client was just thrilled with the turn out. She wrote us the absolute best, sweetest review that we have received to date. This is what its all about and let me tell you that as a small business owner, these reviews are gold. I’m forever grateful for our wonderful customers and am so lucky to do what I do.

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