Turning back the clock

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A couple weeks ago we received our younger son, Luke's school photos. My husband was quick to ask me if I have been saving the school photos for each of our boys for every year of school that they have had so far. Um......no. I haven't. Great idea!  Why are we just thinking of this now? I have been scrambling to find the last couple years worth of shots (My kids are only 5 and 2...so don't worry we're not that behind here) so I can start a collection of their school photos. There is no turning back the clock with your kids. Time is flying over here. It dawned on me as I was pulling these photos out that kids today sure do seem a lot cooler then when I was a kid. My mom thought the good ol' fashioned bowl cut was a good look and Michelle was pinned with sky high pigtails. Fast forward to present day. I mean look at this guy. Does it get cooler then this? Will he look back at this photo in 20 years and say what was my mom thinking? Well we owe these fantastic shots of our kids to Stomping Ground Photo. Stomping Ground Photo opened in 2009 and has been growing steadily ever since. They work with over 130 schools in the NYC area and also have divisions in Los Angeles and Boston. A small sampling of some Manhattan schools work with include...Little Red School House, Avenues, Manhattan Day School, Bank Street, Blue School, Friends, The Caedmon School, PS 3, PS 150, Beginnings, Buckle My Shoe and Barrow Street Nursery. They are a pleasure to work with and their staff are the sweetest. They are amazing with kids! Mine won't smile for me when I ask them to but it certainly looks like they are enjoying themselves in their sibling shots.