Super Bowl Sunday

The Super Bowl was one of the last “normal” things I remember doing before the world shut down in 2020. I actually like Super Bowl Sunday because it combines two of my favorite things, beer and snacks. And while I’m not really a sports person I actually don’t mind watching football! This year we’ll be celebrating a little smaller than usual but even so, I am going to do my best to still make it feel nice!


Let’s start with the snacks, my personal favorite. This year I’m planning on making some of Debi’s loaded sweet potato waffle fries. It’s great for something like this because it doesn’t have to be served hot, you can have it out for 2+ hours and not have to worry about it getting cold.


I’ll also totally be picking up a pizza. I really could not be bothered this year with an intricate menu, plus I want to support my local pizzerias! But to jazz them up I will be sticking some of these cute pennant flag toppers.


For beverages, you know me - I’m totally a beer girl. Lately I’ve really been into this new beer I recently discovered, the Dream Weaver by Troeg’s Brewery. I’ll also be sure to pick up some boring Bud Light, because even though I am a total beer snob, my boyfriend loves something light that he can drink a few of plus they usually do some sort of special packaging for the Super Bowl!


Then theres the entertainment, I’m sure your saying to yourself what entertainment, this is the Super Bowl?! But even I get a little bored sometimes so I like to print myself out a little Bingo Card, you can find them all over the internet!

For the first time ever, I’m placing a bet too! I joined a “box”, which essentially means I paid $20 to pick a number and then scores will be assigned to me. If the game matches my numbers, I can win money! While there is no guarantee of anything, it certainly makes the game more interesting to watch.


Now, lets talk decor. I am keeping it super simple this year because it really will just be the two of us. I am going to set up this fun little beer pong game we did one year in the office ahead of the Super Bowl. It was so cute!

Last but not least, heres my shopping list:

Clean and simple! And if you have extra party supplies, save it for next year!

I can’t wait till we can all be back together again celebrating the little moments like this one, but until then let’s try to make days special even if its just with some balloons.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!