St. Patrick's Fun


St. Patrick’s Day happens to double as my wedding anniversary! This year, Adam + I are celebrating 14 years married and 20 years together! Pretty wild. Time really does FLY!

To make for a festive + sweet celebration, I set up a mint green balloon garland on the lanai with rainbow plates from the LMP Shop and some helium filled balloons to match.

We are going to eat cake + milkshakes which surely, the kids will enjoy! I always make a point of telling the kids stories of our past so they can get a better understanding of our history together and hopefully, appreciate how lucky they are to have parents who love and respect each other.


For the cake that I served, I let the kids help decorate it with Lucky Charms Marshmallows. I picked up a plain white cake from Publix (10 bucks! And I love grocery store cake!) and add the marshmallows all over it. So easy and fun for them to make it their own.

For the milkshake, we combined vanilla ice cream with some milk, a splash of vanilla bean and topped it with whip cream and more marshmallows. Sugar overload for sure!

How are you celebrating this St. Patrick’s Day?! Share your stories and celebrations here!

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