Picnic Essentials


The warm weather is FINALLY here! And you know what that means? Picnics! We go on a lot of picnics around here...because there's kinda no better way to spend our lunch time then in a park with our little ones. Last week there was a day where the air was perfectly warm and the farmer's market was on in Union Square. A picnic was a no brainer. I set up the picnic as a playdate with my son's friend and the boys had a ball. I realized as I shopped through the market there are a few essentials that you need for a perfect picnic. Here's a little cheat sheet for you to make your next picnic a little easier... We found this super chill watermelon cooler from Shop Ban.do. We chose the brightest color fruits and veggies from the farmer's market for this picnic. Cherries make a huge mess but they are sooo good so we couldn't refuse em. The heirloom tomatoes were swarming the farm stands so we grabbed a few and made tomato, mozzarella and basil sammies along with some turkey and cheese. And what's a picnic without WATERMELON! The kids couldn't get enough. To drink I picked up a bottle of fresh lemonade and infused it with strawberries, lemon slices and mint. I brought along some BBQ Chips to snack on and put a handful into paper bags for everyone to enjoy so there were no sticky fingers reaching in and out of a large bag. When we all left the park it was a perfect little take home snack for those who didn't finish them all. I'm just so excited to be eating outside on the grass again. And would love to know how YOU picnic?! Tell us! We want to know your picnic secrets....