Our earth, our problem


Every year when “Earth Day” rolls around I think to myself…shouldn’t “Earth day” be EVERY day?!

I was reading The Skimm this morning and found their recap of what is wrong, what the government is doing, what companies are doing and what we need to do to be very interesting…I am recapping a few clips of the article here:

Individuals…need to take a serious look at their habits. That includes reducing meat consumption, since livestock accounts for over 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some tips to help your plate go green. The reviews are also in on transportation – things like aviation, cars, trucks, and buses account for 24% of global CO2 emissions. Whenever you can, consider things like carpooling, walking, and biking. And be conscientious with what you buy and waste. We have more tips below.

Can we really make a difference?

Yes. It may already be too late to keep global temps below the 1.5°C threshold. But there are even worse predictions in store for the 2°C threshold we could meet if we don't take action now. Keep in mind: the harms of climate change disproportionately affect developing countries, with 143 million people estimated to become climate migrants by 2050. Here's one way you can donate to help people affected by climate-related disasters.

We have one Earth. And it needs help. Now.


One thing I find to be a problem in my own home is garbage and waste. I feel we go through too much of it. Plastic bottles, styrofoam trays (why do companies still use styrofoam???), cans and bottles. I try as much as possible to use reusable jars and bottles whenever possible.

The other day I set up an Earth Day Awareness bar in front of my home. I styled my house with a dramatic earth balloon garland (with biodegradable balloons) and served home made lemonade in glass mason jars that I let everyone take home with them. Maggie painted a water color earth for me as well and I taped that to the front of my bar making a statement about the theme of my lemonade stand. Lastly, I set out the fresh basil from my windowsill to add to lemonade as requested. Was a fresh and delicious addition and sparked conversations about planting more into the earth.


As my neighbors walked by, we talked about what they are doing to help save the earth and I had so many interesting conversations it made me feel so good.

What are you doing to celebrate earth day? Please share your comments with me in the comments below!

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