My Boys.


I tend to joke a lot about how much my kids drive me nuts. You know sometimes they do. But no really, they are the ultimate precious beings in my life. If I could bottle the love I have for these boys I would do so and slap a funky label on it. The bond that I share with these little people is unimaginable and more special to me then I ever would have dreamed. When they speak, and ask me "ma, how yo day?" my heart sinks. Their voices, their tone, their sense of curiosity. I love their sweet faces and am so afraid of their growing up. Can we stop time for just a moment? When my friend Scarlet (who was my sister's wedding photographer) reached out to me regarding a trip that she was taking to New York (From Toronto), I could not wait. She asked if she could shoot with me and the boys and I was ecstatic. We planned for a casual run through the park. I say run because that's what my children do. They run. Fast. Strangers are always pointing this out to me. Scarlet is the cutest little thing you'll ever hang with. We had loads of fun eating ice cream sammies and running through Washington Square Park. I will have these memories with me now forever. Memories of my babies, growing up in New York City. Memories of my life with my boys. Dear Scarlet, Thank you or capturing these special moments with my family so perfectly for me. I heart you so big time. All photos above were taken by the insanely talented Scarlet O'Neill.