Summertime S'mores


This Saturday, August 10th, is National S’mores Day! In the summer at Seri’s house we always pick a night to make s’mores. Luke and I both LOVE this treat, so one night we teamed up to build a fire and enjoy our summertime tradition.

Luke told me that he thinks I’m “really good at styling platters,” and needless to say, I was extremely flattered. So he left that job up to me while he tended to the fire. Of course, he reminded me that he’s Canadian, so he’s an expert at getting the fire started.


Of course, Luke did not disappoint! He got the fire going in no time while I got all the s’mores fixings set up for us to start making treats. Who says making s’mores has to be messy and gooey and ugly? Get yourself a few bowls for marshmallows, a tray for chocolate and graham crackers, and add aroma and color with fresh herbs from the garden.

Happy National S’mores Day, we hope you celebrate with these treats for the rest of the summer!

