Kertzner Kertzner 2047

Good morning! Happy VOTING DAY!! Let’s get out there and CHANGE THE WORLD PEOPLE!

I’m Canadian. I moved to the states back in 2001. When I moved here, 9/11 happened a few months afterwards. I was terrified as it was the first time I ever experienced (frankly ever even heard of) terrorism. I stayed and built a life here though. I did not move back to Canada where they seem to be able to keep the peace…

What I’ve realized over the years is we will never live in peace and that stinks. However now that I’m a citizen (dual, still also Canadian) I will do my part to help out however I can.

Today I’m voting blue because I know no better. I’m a bleeding, somewhat ignorant, liberal. All I really care about is peace, love and happiness. I don’t want to be afraid to send my kids to school. I don’t want people to suffer. I don’t want people to be told what to do with their bodies. Guns, abortion, same sex marriage…like huh? Why does the government have to get involved with this all? Why can’t they just keep us safe and happy? BACK OFF right?! That’s the dream world I live in and I know it’s not realistic but again, I’m going to do what I can to help because I have children and it’s my job to protect them…


On the flip side, my children are now very aware of what is going on in this world and we talk daily about what they can do. You know what I tell them? To be kind, helpful, respectful and to pay attention in school so they can sharpen those educations and become the president one day. There is so much hate in this world right now and it seems so out of control. Race, gender, women and men! I have two boys who I love to death. I don’t want them grouped into this “I hate Men” category that so many women are ranting about. I know there are TONS of horrible men out there. There are tons of horrible women out there too! If we want to make things right shouldn’t we try to treat everyone equally?

I love my boys and good lord did I ever luck out with my husband. So I happen to be surrounded by some pretty fantastic men in my life. Guess I’m just one of the lucky ones.

Every year when it comes time for school photos, my boys put on suits and take that photo very seriously. It’s almost like…they know one day they’ll be standing up in that oval office for photos. HA! No but for real…how handsome are these guys?! These photos are taken by Stomping Ground Photo and they do the best job with the kids. They get the most amazing smiles out of them, they are super friendly and they offer the best packages so us parents can get these photos into everyone’s hands. My kids have keychains with their Presidential faces on them (clipped to their lunch boxes) and my husband has the gorgeous framed photo stands on his desk in his office.


Now tell me…what do YOU want to see changed in this world and how do you see yourself or children helping out?! Tell us in the comments below…can’t wait to hear!

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