Little Miss Party

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My mom, was a teacher.

My mother in law, was a teacher.

My Aunt is a teacher.

My cousin is a teacher.

My friends, are teachers.

My kids, have teachers.

I have had the great pleasure of knowing so many wonderful teachers over the years and I have always appreciated how hard their job is. However this past year…I took this appreciation to a whole new level.

My boys were in Virtual school for 9 months. Those were the longest, darkest 9 months of all of our lives. They did not fare well on the screens for school. My boys thrive on the human connection both educationally and socially.

When we moved to Florida, we made the decision for both of these reasons:
1. To put the boys in person school and give them the gift of education back.
2. To have the opportunity to play sports again.

It was life changing. Florida quite literally saved us. Though the sports and outdoor dining was lovely and brought us back to life, nothing can compare to the support and effort the teachers have put forth in taking in our boys and educating them.

The school that our boys are in is so efficiently run. They are learning a ton. They are thriving. They have so many new friends and most importantly, they are happy.

This week, is Teacher appreciation week. To show our love and appreciation, I hosted a block craft party where the kids could stop by my front step and decorate a large poster with colorful notes to their teachers. It was so sweet to see what these kids were writing and how much they adore their teachers. We covered the front porch with bright balloons to make sure no one missed us.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all the teachers on the globe.

You are my heroes.