Little Miss Party

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Sage Sips inspired by the Garden

Every summer I do my best to involve my kids in planting in the garden. I love growing veggies, though they don't always pan out.

The one thing that is always a success is my herbs. And this year...I have enough sage that grew back PLUS I planted (why? don't ask) that I figured I better start coming up with some recipes to use it.

I found a recipe online for a St. Germain and Gin but I didn't have half the ingredients so I kinda made this up as I went along....

For 1 cocktail you'll need:

1.5 tablespoons honey simple syrup Sage leaves (2-3) 1/4 orange juice 1 shot of gin ice

To make a honey simple syrup take 1/2 honey, 1/2 water and bring it to a boil. Simmer till the honey dissolves and starts to thicken. Let cool before using. Can store in a container in fridge for 2 weeks.

In a shaker combine all ingredients above. Shake Shake Shake. And pour through strainer of your shaker. Garnish with whole sage and enjoy!