Little Miss Party

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Rainy Days Are Better With A Cute Umbrella

If you live in the Northeast you know that the month of April, the weather is typically all over the place. We can have some days over 80 degrees, other days where its torrential downpour, heck one year we had a snow storm the first week of April. So you really never know what you’re gonna get….

One thing you know you can expect is rain, because as the rhyme goes…… April showers bring May flowers. So to that I say, bring on the rain! That way we can enjoy beautiful flowers all spring and summer long. My garden is already starting to bloom and I can’t wait till the rest grows in!

So as you’re switching over your winter closet, make sure you have everything you need to survive the next month of unexpected weather, especially an umbrella because there really is nothing worse than having to go out in the rain without one.

Check out some of my picks below :)