Little Miss Party

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Meet me under the tree

What better way to see your friends this spring than with a picnic. It’s the easiest way to gather and you can socially distance with your own picnic blankets.

Now that we’re coming off our one year Covid anniversary and with the season turning and the weather warming up, I’m getting outside and CELEBRATING! Picnics can and should be super simple BUT I’m not a simple person so I’m going all out. In the park across the road from my house here in Florida, there is a huge tree that is absolutely stunning. It’s perfect for climbing, sitting under in the shade and how about adding a huge balloon garland to it?! Certainly a good way to mark your territory and ensure your friends will find you in the park isn’t it?!

My picnic check list always comes in handy when packing up for an afternoon outside:
- A blanket
- A basket with wine or sparkling cider
- Lunch or snacks
- Shatterproof party people cups and a tray for serving our cocktails
- Bottles of water to stay hydrated
- A portable speaker to play some music
- Sunblock and/or bug spray
- Hand wipes
- A frisbee or ball to toss around (more important if you have kids joining)
- A trash bag(s) to put all of your dirty dishes or disposables
- A basket of flowers that are totally NOT an essential but too pretty to not include

I got everything set up with ease and when my friends showed up we got to chill, chat and cheers to the warmer weather!