Little Miss Party

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Iced Coffee Ice Cream Float

With the warmer weather coming along, that means switching from hot coffee to iced! I love coffee in any form, but having it iced to cool down on a hot summers day might be my favorite.  Remember that time last year when I made homemade cold brew? It was glorious and one of my favorite things that I have made, ever.

I decided to up the ante this year and make an incredible Iced Coffee Ice Cream float for a sweet, energizing treat.

I was away in Ireland and Scotland last week, for an exhausting but all-around amazing 8-day vacation with two friends, so my girl Maggie hung around the LMP studio (ie. busted her butt and was a total rockstar) and helped with a bunch of awesome projects that we had going on! She also really helped me out by making and taking pics of this coffee float situation that I had dreamed up, and made it look absolutely STUNNING in the process.

From what Maggie told me, it was a very easy recipe to make, and was ridiculously delicious and oh-so-worth it.  Here are the details!

Here's what you'll need:

-iced coffee (you can make your own by following my recipe here) -ice -coffee ice cream -optional toppings, including chocolate sauce, cocoa powder and sprinkles -ice cream scoop -straw

Here's what to do:

1) Make your iced coffee by either making regular coffee and letting it cool once brewed, or you can make your own batch of cold brew the night before! 2) Fill up your glass halfway with ice and pour coffee over ice until it just covers your ice.

3) Add 2-3 scoops of your coffee ice cream on top of your ice and coffee.

4) Drizzle/ sprinkle your chosen toppings on top of ice cream.  Add a straw and go to town!

Look at how delicious that looks!! The bitterness of the coffee mixes perfectly with the sweetness of the ice cream for a refreshing treat.  I'm so excited that I have a new, fun way in which to consume coffee, just in time for the summer.

Thanks to Maggie for bringing this idea to life!

Photos and execution of recipe by Maggie Antalek.