Little Miss Party

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2020 Team Resolutions

As 2019 is coming to a close, we’re starting to look towards the new decade! Last year we made a post about our 2019 resolutions and I liked it because I looked back on it throughout the year to make sure I was keeping up with my resolutions…

Now I must admit, some didn’t really happen for me. Like learning calligraphy… hahah. I think we all knew that was a dream but hey at least I tried! Maggie and I DID go to a class last year! So I think that counts for something.

The two resolutions that really did happen for me were that I tried to have experiences on a weekly basis and I did do some sort of charity at least once a month! Seri, Maggie, the boys, and I have been volunteering with local churches around the city to cook for small groups of homeless men and we have truly enjoyed it.

So in case you haven’t yet thought of your new years resolutions, here are ours to get you started!


1. Remember to put on nail strengthener every day I that I do not have a manicure.  Should run down and do that now.

2. Eat Breakfast


4. Check the prices in grocery store and bargain shop a little bit better



1. Improve my Spanish. It was my first language but I have lost through the years since most my family speaks English at home.

2. Continue volunteering and getting more into the environmental clean up in my area. I did a clean up day this year and I absolutely loved it! We were able to fill an entire trash bin with plastic that came out of my local river.

3. Learn to cook more vegetarian friendly dishes! I’ve been a vegetarian for about a year and a half and I still find it hard to get creative with my meals.

4. Meal prepping! I am really bad about planning out my lunches so I never get excited for lunch time anymore!

5. SAVE! I have big plans for 2020 ;)

6. Better self care! I’m so bad about washing my face, taking vitamins, drinking water, etc. etc. etc.


1. Get to bed and wake up earlier

2. Remember to take my vitamins every day

3. Read (anything other than my phone) before bed

4. Digitize and organize my albums & boxes full of photos 

5. Explore a new (to me) part of New England 


1. Find out how to volunteer teaching art to kids- whether it’s in after school programs or elsewhere!
2. WATER- I make this resolution every year and I somehow still manage to behave poorly when it comes to dehydration. Hopefully I’ll get a new water bottle for Xmas that will motivate me!
3. Make the art that’s in my head into a reality- this year was busy and I prioritized my social life, which was amazing and I have no regrets about that. But I miss making art as a form of self care, and I hope that tis year I can resolve to make more time for that. 
4. Invest!- this year I want to resolve to invest in stocks of companies I stand behind. Talk about feeling like a real adult! 
5. Spend more time in the outdoors- make it a point to get away on the weekends to for hiking, swimming or camping in the summer