Little Miss Party

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2019 Team Resolutions

The new year is always a sad time for me…. It means the holidays are over!!!!! :( But one thing I do like is the feeling of a fresh start. As I’ve gotten older I’ve tried to to stick to more of resolutions and I have to say I’ve gotten much better! Thats why I’m excited to work on myself in 2019!

In case you haven’t yet thought of what you’d like to do in the new year, here’s a list of some of our team resolutions!


Last summer I was shopping in Sag Harbor with my best friend and there was a Goop Pop Up that we stumbled into.  We walked in and found the most fabulous items and most definitely did a bit too much shopping.  One of the items my BF bought was vitamins.  Sounds lame right? Well these vitamins were prepackaged with the exact number of vitamins that you need on a daily basis so you don’t have to open a ton of different bottles. Pretty genius if you ask me. Well I was inspired and ordered the vitamins for myself.  I now have 3 boxes of these vitamins sitting under my desk because I never took them!!


My new years resolution is to:
- Drink more water
- Eat breakfast on a daily basis (not just the weekends!)


-meal prep sundays
-save more money 
-go on a REAL vacation 
-floss my teeth every day 
-less sugar 
-yoga: I work out frequently but I think my body needs something more nourishing to break up the routine!
-run a race- maybe a half marathon?!
-paint at least once a week
-spend more time outside once it’s nice out


I’m not usually one for New Year’s resolutions...but I hope to be better in 2019 with meal planning, hanging my clothes up in my hot mess of a closet & less screen time! 


I like to keep my goals simple and obtainable! Cause if they’re too big, you don’t accomplish them, then you get all discouraged and then before you know it your resolutions are dead by February.

This year mine are:
- Learn calligraphy, I’ve always wanted to and this year Maggie bought us tickets to a class which I’m PUMPED for!
- Have more experiences on a weekly basis (I’m a total homebody)
- Do some charity… I’ve always wanted to get involved in a food bank!
- Stop wasting time on my phone and instead pick up a book or do some art (I was an art major in college but I never practice anymore)

Hope these inspire some ideas for your own resolutions :)

Happy New Year!
