Little Miss Party

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Sip N Snip

When my sister was pregnant with her first babe, I booked a trip home around her due date so I could be there to meet the baby and more importantly, lend a hand. Meanwhile...her daughter was one week late so I missed it all.

Fast forward to last week. I had a trip booked to Toronto, planning to celebrate my brother in laws birthday and my kids had special plans with my Aunt and cousin so Adam and I were going to spend a weekend at the Four Seasons, to have a little break.

Well....Mandy went into labor 3.5 weeks early SO...enter Mr. Rhye Malone Dick. AHHHH!!  My first, only and favorite nephew, who I ended up spending all weekend with!  HOW LUCKY AM I?!

The bris was going to be held 2 days after I left Toronto. I wanted to stay but I had to get back to NYC for meetings and the kids. I was heartbroken to miss it because I wanted to be there to help and of course to celebrate the mitzvah of my nephew's entry into our Jewish world.

Fortunately for Mandy, she's surrounded by the most amazing family and friends.

Jason, the proud Papa, came up with the brilliant idea of calling the bris a "Sip N Snip" which they put on a board on the food buffet. Obsessed with this!

It was a bummer to miss out on the event but there will be many more celebrations to be a part of and I can't wait to spend more time with this little man.

Mazel Tov to my sister, Jason and baby Dylan....who is no longer the baby in the Dick family!